An elected official’s first charge is to safeguard the residents of the city. The crime rate is one of the measures we look at to gauge our success. Our crime rate has consistently dropped over the last several years. But, when I see headlines like the one above I am overjoyed.

I think a large reason for this reduction can be traced to the community policing model that our department employs and the use of data-driven police work. Our team is very intentional about building relationships in the community. Their goal is to make sure they know and understand the residents they protect.

In 2016, the city began making use of technology to determine where trouble spots within the city were. This allowed them to make smarter use of their resources to help prevent crime before it occurred.

Special thanks to Interim Chief Dorman for his leadership during this period. Soon, I expect the city to begin the process of making a permenant hire for our Chief of Police. In the mean time, the City is blessed to have such a capable leader at the helm.

See below for the press release from the City.

Bartow Police Department Press Release – Crime Rate

During the year 2020, the City of Bartow experienced its lowest crime rate on record.  The rate currently stands at 2,245 crimes per 100,000 population.  That is an overall crime rate drop of 36% from the previous year.  This includes a 42.2% drop in the violent crime rate and a 35.2% drop in the property crime rate.

The last recorded best year in terms of crime rate was in 1971, when the crime rate stood at 2,723 crimes per 100,000 population.

“I am extremely proud of the men and women of the Bartow Police Department.  They have worked hard all year to provide a level of service that truly makes an impact.  Besting the previous low crime rate is a testament to their tenacity and a true example of professional police services.  Our partnerships with community stakeholders were paramount to this success.  I look forward to working with our staff, the community, and our law enforcement partners to make every year the lowest year on record in terms of the crime rate”, said Interim Chief of Police Bryan S. Dorman.

The Police Department uses a community policing model for effective police/community relations.  This model is the cornerstone of the mission of the Bartow Police Department:  “The Bartow Police Department will provide a professional service in an effort to prevent crime, reduce fear, and enforce the law”.